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Keyword Density Check

Use our free Keyword Density Checker to improve your content quality.

Copy and paste your content into the text input field, and our Keyword Density Checker will extract the total number of keywords found inside the body of the webpage. After extracting all the words it will automatically calculate the frequency/occurrence for One-word phrase combinations, Two-word combinations, and Tree-word combinations. Based on these numbers the keyword density is calculated.

What is the recommended Keyword Density for SEO?

Try to keep the keyword density of a web page around 1% – 3%, because if you go above 3%, it might be triggered as keyword stuffing in the eyes of Google and other Search Engines. 

Although it is true that Google recommends you to write your content as naturally as possible and not to intentionally insert your focus keywords in your web pages, it is always a good practice to check if your content is not going to affect your rankings.

How is Keyword Density Calculated?

The formula to calculate the keyword density is:

The Number of times the keyword is mentioned, divided by the total number of words on the page.

When multiplied by 100 you will get the percentage.

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